Sunday, January 9, 2011

If Mama Ain't Happy

It's time for a conversation about the deeper issues of parenting. All of us parents, whether rearing chick, cub or baby are in this to protect and grow. Bringing up a baby to be human-- a spiritual, creative, humanitarian is quite a different task and I want to connect with others on an intellectual level to really answer some of the challenges in doing so.
If I need fashion advice on how to look good in the carpool lane, a new recipe for one out of three of my children to enjoy, a way to save money or organize my house-- no problem. Can we now talk about what it means to be a parent. Parenting doesn't just mean juggling activities, throwing cute parties and keeping a clean house. How do I rear emotionally well adjusted compassionate and happy people who think analytically, respect themselves and others, stand up for what's right and love learning? I want to know more about their development and ways that I as a mother can handle with some of the bigger topics.
What is the most effective way to disciple very different children? How do I create a healthy attitude toward food and their body? How do I rear a child who doesn't just say no to a bully but doesn't turn away when they see someone being unkind to someone they don't even know. I want a more thorough understanding of them-- their cognitive and emotional development. And, I want to work on re-writing my own scripts for this role. How can I be the mother that I want to be and not just strive to be the "supermom" ideal who keeps a spotless house, room mother and children in 15 different projects and doing it all alone. How do I teach balance and self respect by example? How do I help our family as a whole grow--siblings bond with one another and my marriage grow? How do you teach compassion?

Now that we're here it's time to start talking about options for successful parenting-- not the best arts and craft for the day or how to pack a healthy lunch and look good doing it. Plenty of that out there. I'm hoping to offer reflections on some of the parenting research out there-- the empirical data and get some mindful responses. I want to start a real conversation about the things that no one really talks about until you're in it-- how do you shift your marriage with kids, deal with miscarriage, redefine yourself, meet every child at their level to learn, address the tough questions like sex and bullying, etc. The joys are innumerable and the challenges are daunting. I hope you'll also share your own joys, struggles and insights on bringing up humans.

1 comment:

  1. Yep. This is the most important job we'll ever have...and that only one that might drive us crazy! Great blog...look forward to following it! Love ya!
